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What Colored Circles on Food Packages Really Indicate!

Have you ever wondered what the food label colors packaging actually mean? The solution is more complex than you may imagine. looking at the label The...

The Ring Lady Of Herculaneum

Particularly Herculaneum was believed to be free of any graves. However, since 1981, when archaeologists started examining the waterfront, they have discovered more than...

Environment Care

Care for Environment makes us the Real Human Being

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Why The Last Rites Should Be Performed During Daytime?

Sanatana Dharma consists of sixteen rites and rituals to follow when you are alive. The majority of religions in the world believe in burying...

Who are Aghoris? Have you heard about them!

Being in India, we most often come across them in streets, temples etc. But how often do we make an effort to know who...

Difference between IVF and Surrogacy

IVF or invitro fertilization helps you with a fertilization and the development of embryos using your own gamete or someone else's gametes and the...

Interesting facts you never knew!

Interesting facts you need to know about your body Why it is not possible to sneeze with our eyes open? Sneezing is the process by which...

Why Are Some People Left Handed?

About 1/10 of the worlds population are left handed. Archeological evidence shows that its been the way for as long as 500,000 years. With...

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