What is the importance of whales on our planet

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Whale is an animal whose some species are counted amongst the largest animals in the world. The size of a blue whale can be around 30 meters and no animal larger than whales, have ever existed. it means they are bigger then even dinosaurs. Not only this, the weight of one whale can be as much as 40 elephants. It is said to be, that the count of blue whales in the Antarctic was once 2,25,000. You will be shocked to know, the number is now less than 3000.

According to reports, some species of whales can become extinct in 25 years. But why are these creatures being hunted? what is the importance of these creatures, and will their existence affect humankind. These species have been divided into two main categories first the toothed whale which, as the name suggests, have teeth. These hunts creatures like seals, squids and fishes. Baleen whales, which have brush like fibrous structures instead of teeth with the help of which they filter and eat creatures like shrimp and krill.

Facts about whales

Whales live a long life:

Some species can live for as long as 200 years and through out the span of their life just like humans. They pass on important information to their oncoming generations like breading places, migration routes and information of food availability.

Longest migratery mammals :

Some species of whales travel upto 10,000 kms wich is imposssible for some species.

Transfer cultural values :

Years of research suggests that whales posses their own cultural values like human. Ranging from social behavior to raising their calves which they pass on to their oncoming generations.

Whales can sing:

According to researches they can produce different types of sounds. They can use these sounds as well which look likes they are singing they make this sound to attract opposite gender. They are called key stone species

Contribution of whales to our existence :

  1. Whales absorb carbon dioxide : Whales absorb carbon dioxide from us producing goods to even breathing carbon dioxide produce due to which the rate of carbon dioxide has gone up in the environment and they absorb it from the environment and their life span they can absorb up to 33 tons of carbon dioxide and they can absorb the same amount of carbon dioxide as 1500 trees.
  2. whales regulate ocean : They can go to the bottom of the sea to eat their food where they can find fishes and krills easily but as we all know they have to come out of the sea to breath and poop as well as well these are called fecal flumes which are very rich in nutrients such as nitrogen, iron and phosphorus. When they reach the surface of the water, microorganisms are born out of it which meals for many fishes due to which the flow of nutrition in the ocean is maintain
  3. whales facilitate planktons : Many microorganisms which are facilitated by whales, one of which is plankton. Planktons are small microscopic organisms which are divided into 2 categories. They are plant and animal planktons both of which absorb around 37 billion metric tons carbon dioxide which is equivalent to 1.7 billion trees.

Unfortunately, they are being murdered from many reasons. human kill them to make perfumes, machine oil and to eat as well. Now their parts are used in various forms and are being targeted due to its high commercial value. They can raise only one calf in span of 1-3 years, because their reproduction rate is very low.

Also Read – Can fish hear?

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