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During What Era Did Humans Have The Worst Hygiene Practices

The community restrooms in ancient Rome have to be the least hygienic facilities ever, which lead the very bad hygiene in the olden times....

Angkor Wat: About 1400 year old Vishnu Temple in Cambodia

Angkor Wat is a Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu, although it was later attempted to be converted into a Buddhist temple or a...

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Care for Environment makes us the Real Human Being

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Why The Last Rites Should Be Performed During Daytime?

Sanatana Dharma consists of sixteen rites and rituals to follow when you are alive. The majority of religions in the world believe in burying...

Who are Aghoris? Have you heard about them!

Being in India, we most often come across them in streets, temples etc. But how often do we make an effort to know who...

Human Anatomy As Per Ayurveda

FunctionsExample of DisorderRasaPlasmaImmune systemLymphatic CongestionWhite Blood cellRaktaRed Blood CellOxygenationAnemiaMamsaMuscleStrengthMuscular AtrophyProtects Organs and Joins MedaFatInsulates body heatLubricates tissuesObesityAsthiBone CartilageGives structure to body OsteoporosisMajjaBone MarrowNerve and...

Difference Between C-Section Vs. Normal Delivery

C-Section: A caesarean section is a surgical operation that is used to remove the baby from your uterus. A surgical cut is made through your abdominal...

How Did Diabetes Patients Survive Before The Invention Of Insulin?

India in the past was at the forefront of understanding type I and type II diabetes. Because diabetes patients' urine had a high percentage...

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